Bibliography / Works Cited

Enders, John H., William W. Melvin, Walter Frost, and Dennis W. Camp.

Summary Proceedings of a Wind Shear Workshop.

Tech. Tullahoma, TN: NASA Conference Publication 2270: University of Tennessee Space Institute, 1982.

Melvin, William W.

A New Look at Piloting Procedures in Microbursts.

Tech. no. SAE 86-1701. SAE Aerospace Congress, 1986.

Melvin, William W.

A Philosophy of Automation.

Tech. no. SAE 83-1501. SAE Aerospace Congress, 1983.

Melvin, William W.


Tech. Flight Safety Foundation International Air Safety Seminar, 1975.

Melvin, William W.

Aircraft Performance Manual.

Ms. International Civil Aviation University.

Melvin, William W.

Aircraft Performance Problems.

Tech. Safety Mind, Delta MEC Safety Newsletter, 1992.

Melvin, William W.

“ALPA Response to Certification Standards Committee on Aircraft Safety Management.”

National Research Council Committee. Fall 1997.

Melvin, William W.

“ALPA Statement Concerning Rational Take Off Performance and Contaminated Runway Criteria.”

Proc. of FAA Conference on Wet and Contaminated Runways, Seattle, WA. 1981.

Melvin, William W.

“Boeing 777-Fly-By-Wire Demonstrations.”

Inter Pilot Magazine Mar. 1993.

Melvin, William W.

“Certification and Application of Rejected Takeoff Procedures.”

Safety Mind, Delta MEC Safety Newsletter Summer 1995.

Melvin, William W.

Certification and Application of Rejected Takeoff Procedures.

Tech. no. AIAA 93-4005. AIAA Aircraft Design, Systems and Operations Meeting, 1993.

Melvin, William W.

Decision Speed.

Rep. Html presentation for web browser, 2000.

Melvin, William W.

Effects of Wind Shear in the Base Area of Downdrafts.

Tech. September ed. Flight Safety Facts and Reports-Flight Safety Foundation, 1975.

Melvin, William W.

“Effects of Wind Shear on Approach.”

Pilots Safety Exchange Bulletin-Flight Safety Foundation 70-103/105 (1970).

Melvin, William W.

Effects of Wind Shear on Approach With Associated Faults of Approach Couplers and Flight Directors.

Tech. no. AIAA 69-796. Los Angeles, CA: AIAA Aircraft Design and Operations Meeting, 1969.

Melvin, William W.

“Flying Through Microbursts.”

Air Line Pilot Magazine Mar. 1986.

Melvin, William W.

How Not To Fly.

Tech. no. AIAA 2003-6705. Denver, CO: AIAA Third Annual Aviation Technology, Information and Operations Conference, 2003.

Melvin, William W.

“Human Factors of Rejected Takeoffs.”

Eighth International Symposium on Aviation Psychology. Washington, D.C. 24 Apr. 1995.

Melvin, William W.

“Landing in Windshear.”

Air Line Pilot Magazine May 1988.

Melvin, William W.

Limitations of Instantaneous Wind Shear Analysis.

Tech. Pilot Safety Exchange Bulletin-Flight Safety Foundation, 1976.

Melvin, William W.


MD Flight Approach Apr. 1984.

Melvin, William W.


Tech. Flight Safety Foundation Safety Bulletin, 1984.

Melvin, William W.

New Information From Optimal Trajectory Studies of Aborted Landings in Windshear.

Tech. no. SAE 87-2394. SAE Aerospace Congress, 1987.

Melvin, William W.

Operational Hazards of Wind Shears.

Tech. no. AIAA 88-0691. Reno, NV: AIAA 26th Aerospace Sciences Meeting, 1988.

Melvin, William W.

Pilot Interface With Fly-By-Wire Control Systems.

Tech. no. SAE 85-1836. SAE Aerospace Congress, 1985.

Melvin, William W.

Pilot Interface With Fly-By-Wire Control Systems.

Tech. Twemty First Annual Conference on Manual Control-Ohio State University, 1985.

Melvin, William W.

“Position of the Airworthiness and Performance Committee of ALPA on Means for Pilots to Optimize Aircraft Performance in Wind Shear Encounters.”

Letter to Vice Presidents of Operations, Air Carrier Operators. Mar. 1978.

Melvin, William W.

“Predicting Aircraft Reaction to Wind Shear From Vertical Gradient Profiles.”

SAE Aerospace Congress. Anaheim, CA. Oct. 1981.

Melvin, William W.

Problems Pilots Face Involving Wind Shear.

Tech. University of Tennessee Space Institute, 1977.

Melvin, William W.

“Rejected Takeoff Certification.”

Forum-International Society of Air Safety Investigators 26 (1993).

Melvin, William W.

“Requirements for an Acceleration Monitor.”

Letter to Society of Automotive Engineers, A-4 Committee. Mar. 1985.

Melvin, William W.

“Terrain Avoidance and Missed Approach Performance.”

The Safety Mind, ALPA-Delta Air Lines Jan. 2002.

Melvin, William W.

“The Bastard Method of Flight Control.”

Flight Crew Summer 1980.

Melvin, William W.

The Bastard Method of Flight Control.

Tech. March/April ed. Pilot Safety Exchange Bulletin-Flight Safety Foundation, 1976.

Melvin, William W.

The Dynamic Effect of Wind Shear.

Tech. November/December ed. Pilot Safety Exchange Bulletin-Flight Safety Foundation, 1975.

Melvin, William W.

“The Truth about V1.”

Air Line Pilot Magazine Feb. 1979.

Melvin, William W.

“What You Don’t Know About Wind Shear Can Kill You.”

Flight Crew Magazine Summer 1980.

Melvin, William W.

What You Don’t Know About Wind Shear Can Kill You.

Washington, D.C.: Air Line Pilots Association, 1980.

Melvin, William W.

“Wind Shear and Pilot Error.”

Tenth Annual Aviation Law and Litigation Seminar. Tampa Airport Marriott, Tampa, FL. 7 Nov. 1986.

Melvin, William W.

“Wind Shear Information for Inclusion in Congressional Record.”

Letter to Scott Crossfield, Technical Consultant, Committee on Science and Technology, U.S. House of Representatives. 27 Aug. 1982.

Melvin, William W.

“Wind Shear on Approach and its Effects Upon Thrust Requirements-Oral Presentation.”

Proc. of FAA Symposium on Turbulence, Washington, D.C. 1971.

Melvin, William W.

“Wind Shear on the Approach.”

Air Line Pilot Magazine 40 (1971).

Melvin, William W.

“Wind Shear on the Approach.”

Shell Aviation News 393 (1971).

Melvin, William W.

Wind Shear on the Approach.

Tech. March ed. Flight Safety Facts and Analysis-Flight Safety Foundation, 1974.

Melvin, William W.

Wind Shear Procedures and Instrumentation.

Tech. Second Combined Manufacturers and Technology Airborne Wind Shear Review Meeting, 1988.

Melvin, William W.

“Windshear Revisited.”

Air Line Pilot Magazine Nov. 1994.

Melvin, William W.

Windshear Revisited, Part I: Human Factors.

Publication. Safety Mind, Delta MEC Safety Newsletter, 1994.

Melvin, William W.

Windshear-Optimal Trajectory, Human Factors and Miscellaneous Information.

Tech. no. SAE 90-1995. SAE Aerospace Congress, 1990.


Dir. Mike O’Rourke. Prod. Airworthiness and Performance Committee. Perf.

William Melvin; John McCarthy. VHS. Air Line Pilots Association.

Miele, A., T. Wang, and W. W. Melvin.

Acceleration, Gamma and Theta Guidance for Abort Landing in a Windshear.

Tech. Vol. 12. Ser. 6. Journal of Guidance, Control and Dynamics, 1989. 815.

Miele, A., T. Wang, and W. W. Melvin.

Gamma Guidance Schemes and Piloting Implications for Flight in a Windshear.

Tech. no. 212. Houston, TX: Rice University: Aero-Astronautics Group, 1986.

Miele, A., T. Wang, and W. W. Melvin.

Guidance Strategies for Near-Optimum Performance in a Windshear, Parts 1-2.

Tech. no. 201-202. Houston, TX: Rice University: Aero-Astronautics Group, 1986.

Miele, A., T. Wang, and W. W. Melvin.

Guidance Strategies for Near-Optimum Take-Off Performance in a Windshear.

Tech. no. AIAA 86-0181. Reno, NV: AIAA 24th Aeorspace Sciences Meeting, 1986.

Miele, A., T. Wang, and W. W. Melvin.

Guidance Strategies for Near-Optimum Take-Off Performance in a Windshear.

Tech. Vol. 50. Ser. 1. Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, 1986.

Miele, A., T. Wang, and W. W. Melvin.

Maximum Survival Capability of an Aircraft in a Severe Windshear.

Tech. no. 213. Houston, TX: Rice University: Aero-Astronautics Group, 1986.

Miele, A., T. Wang, and W. W. Melvin.

Optimal Flight Trajectories in the Presence of Windshear, Parts 1-4.

Tech. no. 191-194. Houston, TX: Rice University: Aero-Astronautics Group, 1985.

Miele, A, T. Wang, and W. W. Melvin.

Optimal Penetration Landing Trajectories in the Presence of Windshear.

Tech. Vol. 57. Ser. 1. Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, 1988. 1-40.

Miele, A., T. Wang, and W. W. Melvin.

Optimal Take-Off Trajectories in the Presence of Windshear.

Tech. 1st ed. Vol. 49. Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, 1986.

Miele, A., T. Wang, and W. W. Melvin.

Optimal Take-Off Trajectories in the Presence of Windshear.

Tech. no. AIAA-85-1843. Snomass, CO: AIAA Flight Mechanics Conference, 1985.

Miele, A., T. Wang, and W. W. Melvin.

Optimization and Acceleration Guidance of Flight Trajectories in a Windshear.

Tech. no. AIAA 86-2036. Williamsburg, VA: AIAA Guidance, Navigation and Control Conference, 1986.

Miele, A., T. Wang, and W. W. Melvin.

Optimization and Acceleration Guidance of Flight Trajectories in a Windshear.

Tech. Vol. 10. Ser. 4. Journal of Guidance, Control and Dynamics. 368-77.

Miele, A., T. Wang, and W. W. Melvin.

Optimization and Gamma/Theta Guidance of Flight Trajectories in a Windshear.

Tech. no. ICAS 86-564. London, England: 15th Congress of the International Council of the Aeronautical Sciences, 1986.

Miele, A., T. Wang, and W. W. Melvin.

Optimization and Guidance of Penetration Landing Trajectories in a Windshear.

Tech. Atlanta, GA: American Control Conference, 1988.

Miele, A., T. Wang, and W. W. Melvin.

Quasi-Steady Flight to Quasi-Steady Flight Transition in a Windshear: Trajectory Optimization.

Tech. London, England: Sixth IFAC Workshop on Control Apploications of Nonlinear Programming and Optimization, 1986.

Miele, A., T. Wang, and W. W. Melvin.

Quasi-Steady Flight to Quasi-Steady Flight Transition in a Windshear: Trajectory Optimization.

Tech. no. AIAA 87-0271. Reno, NV: AIAA 25th Aerospace Sciences Meeting, 1987.

Miele, A., T. Wang, and W. W. Melvin.

Real-Time Onboard Wind and Windshear Determination, Part 1: Identification.

Tech. Vol. 84. Ser. 1. Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, 1995. 5-37.

Miele, A., T. Wang, and W. W. Melvin.

Real-Time Onboard Wind and Windshear Determination, Part 2: Detection.

Tech. Vol. 84. Ser. 1. Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, 1995. 39-63.

Miele, A., T. Wang, C. Y. Tzeng, and W. W. Melvin.

Abort Landing Guidance Trajectories in the Presence of Windshear.

Tech. no. 217. Houston, TX: Rice University: Aero-Astronautics Group, 1987.

Miele, A., T. Wang, C. Y. Tzeng, and W. W. Melvin.

Optimal Abort Landing Trajectories in the Presence of Windshear.

Tech. no. 215. Houston, TX: Rice University, Aero-Astronautics Report, 1987.

Miele, A., T. Wang, C. Y. Tzeng, and W. W. Melvin.

Optimal Abort Landing Trajectories in the Presence of Windshear.

Tech. Vol. 55. Ser. 2. Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, 1987. 165-202.

Miele, A., T. Wang, C. Y. Tzeng, and W. W. Melvin.

Optimal Recovery Techniques From High Angle of Attack Windshear Encoulters: Take-Off Case.

Tech. no. 236. Houston, TX: Rice University: Aero Astronautics Group, 1989.

Miele, A., T. Wang, C. Y. Tzeng, and W. W. Melvin.

Optimal Recovery Techniques From High Angle of Attack Windshear Encounters: Abort Landing Case.

Tech. no. 237. Houston, TX: Rice University: Aero-Astronautics Group, 1989.

Miele, A., T. Wang, C. Y. Tzeng, and W. W. Melvin.

Optimization and Guidance of Abort Landing Trajectories in a Windshear.

Tech. no. AIAA 87-2341. Monterey, CA: AIAA Guidance, Navigation and Control Conference, 1987.

Miele, A., T. Wang, C. Y. Tzeng, and W. W. Melvin.

Transformation Techniques for Minimax Optimal Control Problems and Their Application to Optimal Flight Trajectories in a Windshear.

Tech. Munich, Germany: IFAC 10th World Congress, 1987.

Miele, A., T. Wang, H. Wang, and W. W. Melvin.

Overview of Optimal Trajectories for Flight in a Windshear.

Tech. no. AIAA 89-0812. Reno, NV: 27th Aerospace Sciences Meeting, 1989.

Miele, A., T. Wang, W. W. Melvin, and R. L. Bowles.

Acceleration, Gamma and Theta Guidance for Abort Landing in a Windshear.

Tech. Vol. 12. Ser. 6. Journal of Guidance, Control and Dynamics, 1989.

Miele, A., T. Wang, W. W. Melvin, and R. L. Bowles.

Gamma Guidance Schemes for Flight in a Windshear.

Tech. Vol. 11. Ser. 4. Journal of Guidance Control and Dynamics, 1988. 320-27.

Miele, A., T. Wang, W. W. Melvin, and R. L. Bowles.

Maximum Survival Capability of an Aircraft in a Severe Windshear.

Tech. Vol. 53. Ser. 2. Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, 1987.

What is V1?

Dir. William W. Melvin.

Prod. Airworthiness and Performance Committee. Perf. William Melvin. VHS. Air Line Pilots Association, 1992.

Windshear Detection Technology,

Subcommittee on Transportation, Aviation and Materials: Committee on Science and Technology, U.S. House of Representatives Cong. (1984)

(testimony of William W. Melvin).